"Golden Moments, Golden Years"

Written by: Dan Crenshaw
Song Playing: "Ebb Tide"

Golden moments, golden years
Through their tears
Remain golden...
Through all the years

Taken lightly they're all forgot
But remembered now...
They remain golden these years
And not forgot

Tears through the years
Golden moments not forgot
Golden years never forgot
Remain so...
And they endure the test of time

A memory, a forgotten joy
Cannot be taken away
These golden moments
The years cannot take away

Golden moments rest easy on my mind
Golden years reminding me of something
As I recall in a special way
Of a treasured past long ago...

Taken for what it is and was
It reminds me of a beautiful thing
Absolutely for what it was
Golden as it was...

Golden with every year
And Golden with each and every moment
And for what it brought us
With each and every year

Golden moments and years we shared
These wonders of time we did
Disappeared only to reappear
Treating us again and again
This year and every year

Each and every time

Each and every moment
Remains golden...
Each and every year
Remains golden...

Each and every time

I find in these moments, these years
Many golden moments, and
Many golden years

They take away the tears...

And with those years flow many tears and
They remain...
Golden Moments, and
Golden Years

Saying to me again
Asking me again...
And singing to me again many songs

That were Golden...

Because of you...

"I wish you enough..."

Dan Crenshaw

July 28, 2001
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