"Have Patience"

By: Dan Crenshaw
Song Playing: Speranza Nostra

Have patience
And with that comes an awakening
Like never before

Do not ignore your reason for living
Your reasons for planting seeds
That grow and find their place
Suiting your wants and needs

Take the time to realize life as it is
Not how you want to make it out to be
Just take it for what it is
How He wanted you to

Have patience...and each day will say
You made the best of this day
And tho you may fatigue and flounder
Remember you had this day to remember

Take time to understand
Feel...touch...and become yourself again
Only then can you reach out
And do all those things again

These things?

Things you wanted to do all along
Things you put off and gave away
Thinking there was always
Another day

But today is King
God is King
You can wrap yourself
Around that kind of thing...

Take time for patience
Take time for Him
Giving Him the burden
Makes things happen this time

And then you flourish...
This says something about you

It doesn't happen with time
It doesn't happen with your plan
It only happens
If you let it happen this time

Have patience
And with it comes
An awakening

Like never before...

"For Marie Antoinette...for her patience, caring, and inspiration."

Dan Crenshaw
November 14, 2001
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