A Song To Remember"A Song To Remember"

Written by: Dan Crenshaw

Song Playing: "My Valentine"

A song sang to me tonight
Singing about a time before time
Reminding me again of
A song to remember...

One that's not forgotten
As it finds it's way again
Allowing me to gain again
What was lost in the night...

This song I remember
Is why I long for you tonight
The way I do...and always will do
Tonight and every night

The melody plays on inside me
Singing it's lovely tune
About how you feel about me
And how you still believe in me

A song to remember
Enriching my memories
Of love songs past by
Those memories in a song
The ones that got us by

Stories in a song
And songs that tell the story
Stories of a long time ago
A song so very long ago...

And it's a song to remember
And will always remain
A reason why I too can sing
This story in a song...

Singing it's melancholy remembrance
Of a story in a song...

And a song which will always remind us
About where we still belong....

Dan Crenshaw
July 22, 2001

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