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See the road before you
It takes you to the Light
Filled with radiant splendor
Your spirit now takes flight

This rose a gift of heaven
I place it in your hand
So you will feel the softness
Within God's precious Land

Where wings are softly waiting
To bring you to the place
Where love and understanding
Will welcome you with grace

Angels all have gathered
To welcome you above
Shower you with kisses
Show their tender love

Flowers all around you
With fragrance every where
Jesus there to hold you
His Heart so filled with care

Caressing you so softly
Your head against His chest
Telling you He loves you
With your soul He is blessed

Go forth in your beauty
With wings of love and lace
Halo that awaits you
With diamond's glow embrace

Fly on wings of angel
Each day a gift we share
Your countenance of beauty
We gather in a prayer.


~Francine Pucillo ~
©used with permission


Joshua's Mommy Remembers.... 
The Day He Went To Be With Jesus! 

I remember the day Josh died as if it were yesterday.  Other things just seem to fade in the background compared to that day.  Even things I use to think were important don't hold interest anymore.  Only that day, that morning will stay forever in my mind.  We have children and take on the responsibility of caring for and loving them, and when a moment comes where nothing we can do can protect 
them or keep them from leaving us.... it is a pain like no other.  I had no idea what pain was till that day! 

It was Christmas Eve morning.  We were looking forward to a wonderful Christmas with family.  Josh's Daddy, Mark, was going to go to the store and stop at his grandparents house to pick up gifts to take to other family members.  I decided not to go because I had things to do still to get ready for the big day. 
Josh loved going places with his Daddy, and like Daddy had gotten up early and was already dressed.  So Mark said he would take Josh with him. Well, our daughter Cassi had just gotten up and said she was going to make Christmas cards for Mom and Pop (grandparents), which made Josh want to stay home.  But I told Cassi she could 
wait till Josh got home to make them, and told him to go with Daddy, because when they got home we had lots to do.  Before they left I ran upstairs and noticed Josh's eagle necklace laying on the floor.  I figured he had wanted to wear it, so I ran it downstairs and met them at the door.  I placed it around Josh's neck and reassured him that they would make their cards when he got back.  As they walked out the door I told Mark and Josh that I loved them.  And Josh, as he always did, yelled his I love you, Mommy?  I can still see Josh's beautiful smile as he turned to leave.  Oh, how I wish with all my heart and soul that I could go back to that moment!! 
Some time later I had a police man at my door.  He told me that my husband was at the hospital and I needed to come with him.  I felt like I had been hit by a truck.  I couldn't believe what I was hearing.  On the way there I kept asking what had happened, and about my husband and son, but the officer just said he didn't know.  I'm sure it was to keep me half way calm till I got there.  I thought it must be Mark, as much as I love him, I had to think he was the one hurt... He is strong, he would be OK.  I couldn't think it was Josh.  I prayed the whole way there, thinking of course that it couldn't be anything really bad.  It just couldn't be!  Cassi in the back seat, scared.  I tried to comfort her and tell her everything would be OK.  I truly believed it would be. 
When we got to the hospital I was expecting to see Mark in a room, but instead he was sitting in a chair next to one of the emergency rooms.  At that moment I knew it was my Baby that was hurt.  My heart felt like it fell into my stomach.  I got close and saw my sweet Josh laying on the table and lots of people around him.  All I could say was "What happened?  Mark looked at me and said "We were hit by a train!"  All I remember saying then over and over again was "A TRAIN?"  I kept repeating it hoping I was hearing it wrong.  That word sounded Huge!!  A car you maybe have a chance, but not a train.  I remember just being totally overwhelmed ... it felt like I had stepped into a NIGHTMARE!!  I don't remember screaming at that point but I was told I was, and a nurse said she would take our daughter into the waiting room.  I looked in Cassi's eyes and could see all my fears.  I told her that her brother was tough and he would be just fine.  I Promised her that! 
For the next hour all I could do was pray.  I prayed by his bed, I prayed by Mark, I prayed on the floor ... I BEGGED God to please let us keep our Joshua.  And I still even being scared couldn't accept that he wasn't going to make it.  At one point I even felt bad because I thought he would have to spend his Christmas in the hospital.  That is the worst I could accept.  The Worst!!  All this time I was also asking why they hadn't Life Lined him yet.  They told us they were going to Life Line him to another hospital that was better equipped.  And they just kept saying that he had to be stable first.   I remember hearing alarms going off in the room, but they would just turn them off and kept working on him.  Those were the times that Joshua's heart stopped, and I truly didn't realize it.  I wouldn't let myself understand what was going on.  I was lost in a cloud of confusion and Overwhelming Heart Ache!  My friend, some of Mark's family, and a Minister at the hospital tried to comfort us, during the worst two hours of our life, but even they couldn't believe what was happening.  All we could do was pray! 
And then the Life Line Dr., after arriving at the hospital and checking Josh, called my husband and I into another room.  I thought she was going to tell us that they didn't need to take Josh.  He would be all right staying here.  But instead I heard the Worst thing I have ever had to hear.  Those words ring through my head ... Day after Day.   "We can't do anything else, he is not going to make it."  I couldn't believe it!  The only thing that made me realize what she was saying were the tears in her eyes.  First we Screamed, loud enough I found out later, that our daughter could hear and knew her brother was gone.  But then I Hugged the Dr. as tight as I could and said "Thank you."  I look back now and don't know how I did that, but I'm glad I did.  By the look on her face I could tell she had done all she could.  She told us Joshua wasn't stabilizing, and he wouldn't make the transport.  His heart kept stopping.  He wanted to go HOME!  She told us she would go back in and make sure everyone agreed to stop. And if only one said "No" they would continue.  Mark began begging her to please not "Give Up."  He was on his knees truly BEGGING.  I still was thinking that he might make it on his own. 
But when we got back into the room almost everyone had left, and Josh was just laying there.  No LIFE!  11:15 am.  Just 2hrs. after the wreck. The picture of my husband leaning over Josh and begging him "Please wake up, Little Buddy," is burned into my mind forever.  We cradled Josh in our arms and just cried, we didn't want to accept this.  Our Baby, the love of our lives was gone!  I wanted to just pick him up and take him home.  He made my life whole, how could we say "Good Bye."  But eventually...we had to. 
We went to the chapel hoping Mark's parents would arrive soon from out of town.  It was as if everything was going in slow motion.  This fog couldn't be real!   We were then asked about organ donation.  It was such a final question.  One we didn't want to hear.  How could they be asking to take a part of our child, when we couldn't even grasp that he was no longer alive.  I hated them for asking that!  But I believe only with God's help were we able to make the decision, and said "Yes."  Josh was so giving in Life...we knew that is what he would have wanted. 
When family finally arrived the pain was so overwhelming.  You could hear the grief all through the hospital...the crying was a constant reminder that this was real.  We and family got to go back in and see Josh.  I wanted so much for him to be a miracle and Wake Up!  I remember Mark's father putting his head to Josh's chest.  I held my breath, truly believing that maybe they made a mistake, and Josh was fine.  I Needed my Baby to be OK.  But he wasn't and again we had to say our "I love you's and Good bye's."
One of the hardest things about that day was walking out of the hospital.   How could I just leave Josh there?  My Baby!!  I fell to the floor ... I wanted to just stay there.  That is where Josh was.  But I had too.  And when I finally walked out that door ... I knew my life had changed.  I wasn't "me" anymore.  The person I was stayed there with her son. 












PAGE UPDATED ~ 11/07/04