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In the heart of the high country

forth from the mist

Arises the unrivaled glory

Of majestic mountain peaks

Where On yon horizon

Far as the eye can see

Span summits crowned with snow

And crested with evergreens

Where out from barren crevices

Sway in the breeze blooming sprays

And as does hope

Where thought was none

Life thrives where it ought not dare

Same is true in yonder heavens

Where dark shape spirals in the heights

As far below in the forest’s hold

Heaven overflows to the forest stream

Where deer lift their heads from

The quench of a pebbled stream

to bolt 'longside the passing shadow

As if the shrillness of eagle’s far yonder cry

Had mounted them upon wings

To likewise be spirited away

To come full circle atop the clouds

If but for a moment to venture upon the brink

Of where earth meets sky

And verges the gateway to heaven

Where God is manifest

And the heaven’s declare his glory

Where bides such beauty as

To steal breath from the very soul

And bear proof of a higher power

And those who have fathomed

What it must be like to stand upon high

At long last discover

Mankind need only reach for the face of God

To have the world simply melt away

And set free the heart to soar to heaven

And only then when the soul is bared

Can self truly be found

And at last man can discover 

What it’s like to finally say

This is how things ought to be.


Paige Gray 2003







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