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                                                                                            Do you believe tomorrow's sunrise

 will surely come to be
Although at this moment 

It lies beyond the boundaries of your reach
Hidden only for the moment

 Kaleidoscope hewn in amber and gold
With the coming of the dawn, 

Glorious splendor will unfold



Do you believe heavenly wonders 

Are more than a mystery
Wondrous secrets that can't be touched 

Or with the mind perceived
You cannot touch affection 

but it warms us deep inside
And mountains move before us 

When hope sets our sights to try  



Endurance holds the power 

to unfold longed for dreams 
Confidence conquers doubt's shadows 

until sweet victory is achieved 
  Love's wonder can't be captured

 nor has a face to look upon
But it's tides ebb and flow 

as it dwells within our hearts 




 Many mysteries we shall question 

as we tread along life's way
But life's greatest treasures are revealed 

when we soar on wings of faith
God has hidden away the wind 

beneath the eagle's mighty wings
Like the spirit that keeps us soaring 

on gales of hopes and dreams




Miracles are no longer mysteries

 slipping past our souls
When we reach beyond doubt's limits, 

to what our hearts have always known
Faith has a measure tucked away

in the heart of every man
Taking flight on wings of glory 

when unbound from what we understand





We bind ourselves in logic 

and stay wrapped within it's chains
And choose a life of  bondage 

in in which there is no need to remain
Divine forces move about us, 

whether or not we choose to believe
When we finally say "It's possible", 

we surge forth, and take
Flight on heaven bound


Paige Gray










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