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I once knew where the eagles would soar

On outstretched wings over rocky shores

When I was young they came here then

To hunt the salmon and ride the wind

Echoing cries would fill my soul

As I watched from far below

They would rise to the heavens

On the strength of the breeze

With the dreams of my people

On the tips of their wings

I once knew where the eagles would soar

In a time long past but they come no more

The sky now longs for their outstretched wings

I hear their cries only in my dreams

The valley has shed a river of tears

Man quickly destroyed what took ages to build

Never take more than you give and give back what you take

When all is lost it is then too late

The eagle was here for my father

And his father before

And I once knew where the eagle would soar

There was a time I believed the eagle would never come again

To hunt the salmon or ride the wind

But a day came when I lifted my head

A cry from the sky had stirred me again

As they set the eagle free wings catch the breeze

They rise to the clouds to make the heavens complete

Black feathers ruffle from the force of the wind

It’s here they began and here they’ll begin

Now rise to the heavens with a wish on your wings

To be here forever to carry our dreams


Paige Gray