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Spirit Of The Wolf


Against the silver moon the wolf lifts his head to howl
His spirit is carried away in the journey of the sound
Cold mist clouds from his breath, long and lonesome he calls
Singing his song survival as the snow softly falls

Dark silhouette against the moon's glowing light
From the cry of the wolf his spirit takes flight
Over the distance it travels and catches the ear
Of all the creatures who have known the fear

In the valley below hearts hold a beat
Respect has been born from primal instinct
The deer lift their heads to reverence the cry
Of the faraway wolf on his mountain on high



Serenity is shattered in this world pristine
The spirit of the wolf stalks it's way through the trees
All who stop where they stand to hear the forlorn song
Know he is high upon the mountain where legends belong


Silence settles with the snow, and then once again
He raises his head and cries into the wind
From high above it all in the silver moon light
He tells the world of his legacy as his spirit takes flight

The world waits below as courageous he stands
Sending his spirit soaring across the land
Haunting apparition drifts down on the breeze
And bids the world to listen as he proclaims to all
He is free!


Paige Gray 2000


Poetry ©copyright Paige Gray 2000