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Within My Heart A Melody


How long must my heart hold out

When tears fall as the driving rain

To see peace drift as summer’s swans

Upon the hush of glistening lakes

What hope is there for the disheartened

Angels who have fallen from grace

Like they now on trembling lips dare I cry out

On breath’s last whisper where is hope

Thunder rumbles in the distance

Foretelling me of the glory to come

Lightning’s aurora inflames the midnight

Shimmering blue against the velvet sky

And I see in the lingering ambiance

In yonder sea the breaking waves

How they dare to brave beyond

Where the shore bids them to stay

I like they wish for just one moment upon the sand

To escapade in the folly of the ocean spray

Till I must surrender to the ebbing tide

That rolls down my cheek in a single tear

Which tucks my heart into a bottle

And tosses it with only a wish into the foam

To drift upon the rise and fall

Maybe to a horizon where hope like glory beams

And glistens with the fervor of moonlight fire

Dancing victory upon the sea

Where heavenly rays through the clouds burst free

In such wonder that it makes me believe

Some things come but once in a lifetime

And there might just burn a flame

That maybe would be kind to rekindle

The dying embers of my dreams

And far be it for a dreamer to gaze starry-eyed

And vision the flickering gleam of a distant fire

Only to let hope streak by in the dead of night

In the celestial blaze of a wishing star

For what fallen angel 

Fairing on tattered wings

Would not seize the chance to once again fly

Should such a miracle fall within her reach

And should moonbeams like doves on wing

Likewise come slipping through the boughs

To glow upon the moonlit terrace

And show me where to dance

On a deep breath of courage

I too will take a chance

And like the fledglings of spring

Be not surprised 

 If summer finds me swept away

Upon the breath of a breeze

To take upon the sky




Paige Gray 2002



Possible are all things ....When in the heart speaks the triumphal voice of God








Poetry © copyright Paige Gray 2002