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Filling my senses pleasant scent of perfume
Heavy on the air her fragrance sweetly looms
Strange how it never pleased me so till now
Lingering softly helping me feel her presence somehow

Packing away all the memories she left behind
An old mirror of silver on a dusty shelf I find
A locket of gold a gift from a friend
And mementos from all the places she'd been

A picture of a loved one faded to a sepia tone
From times past, from days long gone
A watch on the dresser still ticks with the passing of time
Precious memories unfold as I pack away moments of her life

A gift handmade for her when I was only five
I see the childish markings and wander back in time
When crayons colored the picture of joy she brought to my heart
A child's attempt to pour out love in colors and scribbles
On a paper card

Small trinkets of her life tucked here and there
Little treasures from the past she had kept in her care
In dresser drawers and boxes and tins
A needle and her knitting still attached by the thread

Sorrow gushes through and tears fall like the rain
No words of comfort or sympathy can hinder this pain
Life can change in an instant there's no holding back time
hands of the clock keep ticking - time passes by

She was like a bouquet of roses meant only to last so long
God, I need a reminder that I'm not all alone
As a breeze stirs the curtains, a memory drifts in
I can still hear her whisper
"We will all Meet again"

Paige Gray

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