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Our Savior Lord was crucified.
We hung Him from a tree.
We drove a nail in both His hands,
But He blamed neither you or me.
We crowned Him with a thorny crown.
We pierced His heart with a spear.
We drove a nail through both His feet,
But not a sound of pain could we hear.
Then from the cross He spoke aloud,
And asked God to forgive us for what we did.
In mortal pain He prayed for us,
And for our souls His life He bid.
A thief was hung on either side,
And to the one He said.
This day you will be with me in Paradise,
But for the other He hung His head.
Now from the cross He saw His Mother,
And John was standing by Her side.
Then to His Mother He said "behold Thy Son",
And to John and us He gave His Mother
Before He died.

My God, My God why hast Thou forsaken Me?
He uttered with a cry.
The sins of man are so great this day,
And they make my mouth so very dry.
I thirst for the souls of every man.
I have drank the cup My Father gave.
The sins of man are with Me now,
And I'll take them with Me to My grave.
It is finished, the pain is gone.
My task on earth is done.
I'll release the souls that have gone before,
Because I am Your loving Son.

Unto You my Father I command My spirit.
We have given Heaven to those We love the most,
And the angels in heaven are rejoicing now,
With the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
        By L.M.Willson 

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Page Created : Pam Gallo

Midi : Old Rugged Cross



Graphics By : Marsha




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