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Old Fashioned Vegetable Soup

1/2 lb. noodles cooked (your choice)
(I do elbows, or whatever I have on hand)

1 lb. beef stew meat
8-12 cups water
4 tbls. soy sauce
4 tbls. worsctershire sauce
1 onion(diced)
1 small green bell pepper (cut up)
celery seed seasoning
(just a pinch, it is very strong flavored)or
2 stalks of cut up fresh celery.
1/2 orange, yellow or, and red bell
1 small can mushrooms(optional)
1 12 oz. can tomato sauce
1 small can tomato paste
1 12 oz. can diced tomatoes(drained)
1 tbls. Italian seasoings
or add
oregano, & basil , parsley dehydrated,
cabbage-- left-over or freshly cut cabbage ( a must)
(about 4 -6cups fresh cabbage)
1 frozen bag of mixed veggies.
(should include green beans, carrots, & corn)
2 0r 3 medium potatoes quartered (peeled and cut)
garlic powderor minced to taste
hot sauce to taste(about 2 tbls)
3 tbls. sugar
1/4 cup Parmeasean cheese
You may add brocolli, califlower, any beans
(left-over or cooked beans)(optional)
Add any veggies you desire.


Boil noodles for about 20-25 minut4es
or until tender, drain and set aside.

Saute' stew meat until browned
and then place into the soup pot.
Add all other ingredients into the soup pot,
and cook over medium heat for about 30 minutes.
Top with Parmeasean cheese if desired.
Serve with crackers and cheese,
garlic bread, or corn bread
Serves about 6-8 people.

From Dottie's Kitchen