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I stand here motionless.
Seeing nothing, sensing nothing.
The concept of time, lost.
No thoughts of the past or the future.
No thoughts of life or it's pressures.
Total emptiness.
I start to awake from this time lock.
Not knowing where I have been,
Where I am, or where I am going.
Slowly I start to feel alive.
Thoughts begin to form.
Thoughts of you.
Your beautiful face atop a breathtaking figure.
Long dark spiraling hair
Falling over delicate shoulders.
A comforting voice saying my name.
Thoughts of you.
Of not ever being able to be with you again.
Of my life without you.
A life in death.

......Home Page
......"You In Me"
......"Missing You"
......"Beautiful To Me"
......"Hard To Ignore"
......"A Kiss"
......"What Words Cannot Say"
......"Alone Without Love"
......"All For What"
......"So On I Live"
......"Back To Me"
......"What Would You Do"
......"To Die In Your Arms"
......"Loving You The Way I Do"
......"He Thinks Of Her"
......"A Good Friend I Was"
......"I Ask Of You"
......"The Way I Do"
......"Just Friends"
......"You've Touched Me There"
......"Butterfly Nights"