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Words will never say just how much I feel for you.
That I know is true.
Words can sound so hollow and empty in meaning.
Though they were meant to express no less.
These words I say to you,
I'll try to take many and choose a few.
Believe, as they come from deep within my heart.
Where my Love for you has been from the start.
Buried, knowing you would think foolish of me,
For even thinking that you would choose me from three.
Or knowing that I would die for you,
If only you would live for me.

From the day I first thought of you in that special way,
Until the moment of my last breath,
I will never regret that our paths crossed and we met.
The most important thing that happened in my life
Was Loving you.
Living over, again and again, that day you held my hand,
As we lay face to face,
Has given me a lifetime worth of Love.
I can honestly truly say,
That I have no hesitation in dying for you,
If only you would live for me.


.... Home Page
2...."You In Me"
3...."Missing You"
4...."Beautiful To Me"
5...."Hard To Ignore"
6...."A Kiss"
7...."What Words Cannot Say"
8...."Alone Without Love"
9...."All For What"
10...."So On I Live"
11...."Back To Me"
12...."What Would You Do"
13...."To Die In Your Arms"
15...."Loving You The Way I Do"
16...."He Thinks Of Her"
19...."A Good Friend I Was"
20...."I Ask Of You"
21...."The Way I Do"
22...."Just Friends"
23...."You've Touched Me There"
24...."Butterfly Nights"