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I know
You weren't looking for me.
I know
I wasn't your first Love.
You know
I wasn't looking for you.
You know you weren't my first Love.

Love to us has not been true.
Emotions have been mixed with confusion.
Now we are here.
Staring into each others eyes.
The paths of our lives crossed.
Our dreams intertwined.
Our hopes of one.

We have found something together.
Something we thought we had before.
Though not the same as before.
Not forced or planned.
Not searched for.
It searched out for us.
Making it feel right.
As if it was meant to be.
As if we were meant to be.

.... Home Page
2...."You In Me"
3...."Missing You"
4...."Beautiful To Me"
5...."Hard To Ignore"
6...."A Kiss"
7...."What Words Cannot Say"
8...."Alone Without Love"
9...."All For What"
10...."So On I Live"
11...."Back To Me"
12...."What Would You Do"
13...."To Die In Your Arms"
15...."Loving You The Way I Do"
16...."He Thinks Of Her"
19...."A Good Friend I Was"
20...."I Ask Of You"
21...."The Way I Do"
22...."Just Friends"
23...."You've Touched Me There"
24...."Butterfly Nights"