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You've Touched Me There

I never thought fairytales could come true.
I never thought of love except in blue.
Something so new, so understandably uncontrollable.
Something felt deep within, yet unexplainable.
Emotions of every type and name.
The kind everyone say as if a game.
So why this time do the words mean more than just that.

You've made me care.
You've touched me there.

I no longer see you as just a beautiful woman as before.
I see someone I've come to respect and adore.
Someone who makes me feel that incredible feeling inside.
The one I've tried so hard to hide.
That unmistakeable urge to take you in my arms,
To be myself and forget man's charms.
That amazing high from falling in love with you.
A nervousness from realizing it's real and true.

You've touched me there.
You've made me care.

.... Home Page
2...."You In Me"
3...."Missing You"
4...."Beautiful To Me"
5...."Hard To Ignore"
6...."A Kiss"
7...."What Words Cannot Say"
8...."Alone Without Love"
9...."All For What"
10...."So On I Live"
11...."Back To Me"
12...."What Would You Do"
13...."To Die In Your Arms"
15...."Loving You The Way I Do"
16...."He Thinks Of Her"
19...."A Good Friend I Was"
20...."I Ask Of You"
21...."The Way I Do"
22...."Just Friends"
24...."Butterfly Nights"