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Butterfly Nights

The thoughts did not come from my mind.
They were forming instantly without premeditation.
I acted on emotions I thought I would not find.
I knew I was feeling without reservation.

Seeing you there with your beautiful smile,
Thinking how I'd never seen such a sight.
Something came over my body I could not explain.
Something I knew I would not be able to fight.
That feeling, when at the same time you get sun and rain.
As if nothing exists at that moment.
Surcoming was all I could do.
Resisting you was not possible or something I wanted.
All that was real was me and you.

Before I knew it, I was in so deep.
Closer and closer I was drawn to you.
The feel of your warm breath on my cheek.
Together as one, we were no longer two.

.......Home Page
2...."You In Me"
3...."Missing You"
4...."Beautiful To Me"
5...."Hard To Ignore"
6...."A Kiss"
7...."What Words Cannot Say"
8...."Alone Without Love"
9...."All For What"
10...."So On I Live"
11...."Back To Me"
12...."What Would You Do"
13...."To Die In Your Arms"
15...."Loving You The Way I Do"
16...."He Thinks Of Her"
19...."A Good Friend I Was"
20...."I Ask Of You"
21...."The Way I Do"
22...."Just Friends"
23...."You've Touched Me There"