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Who Will Hear Me?

Who hears the cries of my
Broken heart? Who sees my
Tears that fall in silence?

Sometimes the pain is more
Than I can bear! Is there
No one who cares?

Who can I turn to when my
World comes crashing down
Around me? Are others so
Busy they can't see my

I thought love was kind and
Gentle, but all I feel is
Pain. Sorrow follows me
Each and everyday.

Is there no way out of this?

When the nights are cold and fear
Runs wild, who can I call on?
Who will hear, who will answer
My call for help?

Then I hear that still small voice
"Look up, I AM here. My eyes
Are always on you and I'M
Always with you. You are
Never alone in your heartache
Or fear. Just trust in Me
Lean on Me for I'm always here."

Jesus gave His Life that we could
Have life and have it more
Abundantly. Far to often we
Turn inward, when we should
Run too Him. He is waiting
With His arms opened wide to
Shield, comfort and protect
Us. We are His Children and
He loves us.

© Seabreeze aka SJ Busby do not
use without writen permission.

By Seabreeze