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Come Walk With Me

Remembering my walks along the beach in San Pedro
CA many years ago. I often return there in my mind.
Today is early, and the dew was still on the flowers,
how I love getting up and strolling down the lane
that leads to the walk way in front of my apartment.

There is nothing like being alone with God, and
knowing He is just as happy as I am, to be walking
with me!

You know, Jesus never failed His Father.
Oh, I wish each of us could walk in His
footsteps. To do only our Heavenly
Father's calling during our lifetime.

God knew we could not follow each and
every law He had wrote down and that is
why He sent His Son, Jesus to make a way
for us to be saved by grace, and by the
power of His blood. God's mercy is
renewed each and everyday, so we can
receive His grace and mercy.

The World offers just enough pleasure for
each day until it gets you hooked and trapped
right where it wants you. Before you know it
you are spending your rent money, your gas
money, or the money for baby's new shoes,
and the money needed for food, on your habit
that needs feeding.

That is not what God wants for your life.
That is what Satan want's for your life!
Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy!
He destroys families, friends, all good
relationships. And he will feed you just
enough alcohol, drugs, and yes, even sex
to get you right where he wants you. And
when all who you have ever loved have left
you alone, with your habit, then he let's
you see just what shape you are in.

By now you are addicted to whatever started
out as a little fun, into a BIG problem!
You ask, "How did I get here? Believe me,
you are not alone, Satan is real and he knows
his time is short. Satan is called the Father
of lies, he knows our weaknesses, and how to play
us. Are you asking, "Why would he care
about me anyway?"

Because, since the beginning of time he
has fought against God and His people.
Satan knows the plan God has for your
life and that there is a call on your
life. And the longer he can keep you
away from God and out of God's Word,
the better chance he has to get you into
his world and addicted to drugs, drinking,
pornography and every other worldly thing
that is against God!

Maybe by now you are feeling that all is lost,
that there is no way out for you, or a loved one.
Oh, but there is a way out, for those who really
want to be set free from their captivity!

Yes, I said, "Captivity."

Because that is just what you are, a captive!
Oh, you may not be behind bars or in chains but
you know as well as many of your family and
friends do, you are held captive to whatever
your choice of addition is.

There might as well be a ball and chain hooked
to your ankle! Or, a sign around your neck that
reads, SLAVE to,"____"what ever your addition is,
you fill in the blank.

When you are home alone and no one's
listening, tears fall silently and you
do not want to live the life that has you
so bound. You don't want to continue with
the lies and the stealing it takes to
support your habit. Maybe you have lost
your wife, husband, children, and friends,
and when you are alone, you think no one
loves you. Even your parents not longer
trust you in their home alone.

Please, hear me when I say, God loves you!

Yes, He does, and He loves you just the way
you are. God sent His only begotten Son,
Jesus to live and die for us even while we
were in sin...Jesus died for your sin and
mine! And He wants you just the way you are!

Many of us feel that we can't come to God
in the shape we are in. In dirty clothes
or still on drugs, YES YOU CAN, and please
read, YES, you can go to Jesus just as you are
and right where you are, right now! And read
it till it is deep within your heart!

All He wants you to do is call out to Him and
ask Him to forgive you, then He will do the rest,
you can do that, can't you?

You do not have to be held captive any longer.
God is willing and more than able to set
you free. There is nothing you have done,
or said, that can stop His forgiveness
and love from you. All you have to do is
call on His Name and if all you can do is
yell, "HELP ME LORD!" that is enough for
God to move in your life!

Turn from your way of living, and learn of
God's Son, Jesus. Get to know the Man who
came to set you and other captives free.
The One who came to open blinded eyes and
heal the broken in spirit. Believe me,
He is waiting with arms opened wide to
receive you unto Himself.

© Seabreeze, aka SJ Busby. Do not
use without written permission, Thank

E-mail seabreeze

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