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At Peace With Jesus

When the world around us is falling apart
we feel our heart is being torn from us and
we are caught up in a whirlwind of sorrow and
our tears fall without end.

It will be a year on the Feb. 25 2008 I lost
my best friend. During my time of grief
I thought I would never be able to praise
my Lord or sing the songs of worship to Him
with peace and joy again.

Did my joy return? Yes!

Did I play the songs of praise and worship
again? Yes!

Yes, many times I sang through the tears,
with a broken heart and much pain I lifted
my head and hands and praised my loving
and comforting God.

Was it easy? No! Was it overnight? No!
It was either, hold on to Jesus or parish
into deep depression. In our time of greatest
sorrow and pain we must put our faith in Him.
If we don't our grief takes over and we
remain in our sorrow without seeing a way

I learned without His peace in my life,
I had no hope and without hope how could
I go on? Don't allow anger or resentment
take up residency in your heart.

I know after serving Him since 1983,
without Him I would have lived in total
defeat, alone, unloving and unloved.

Allow His Holy Spirit to comfort you in
your time of sorrow. Know that God
is right there with you, to love you
through the pain and loneliness you're
feeling. He will never leave you,
nor forsake you.

By: Shirley(Tubbs)Busby

All emails are welcomed
