The daughter of no-one,Pandora was in fact fashioned by Hephaestos from clay,at the direction of Zeus,and infused by him
with incredible beauty,but with also all of the weaknesses and failings of humans. Athene instructed her in the industrial
occupation of women,Aphrodite gave her grace of manners,and taught her the arts of beauty,while Hermes tutored her in
flattering and soothing,and the Horae and Charites helped to make her irresistable to men.Then Pandora was given to
Epimetheus,who,though warned by his brother Prometheus to accept no gift from Zeus,yielded to the girl's beauty,and married
her. Pandora brought with her a vase,whose lid was to remain forever closed,but her husband could not contain his
curiosity,and opened it,thus setting free the evils that have beset mankind ever since. All that remained was hope.
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