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<title>Did You Ever?</title>
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<h1 align="center">Did You Ever?</h1>


<!--Freetext-->Did you ever think I'd see you in the bright moonlight?<br>
Walking on the side of my street at night.<br>
And did you ever think you'd keep your love away from me? <br>
Baby, can't you see that this feelings right?<br><br>
Cause you know that my love for you,<br>
Is forever true.<br>
And you know that I need you.<br>
Can you tell me how to go on without your love?<br>
To go on without your love.<br><br>
Did you ever think you'd break my heart with just one look? <br>
That moment you took my breath away.<br>
And did you ever think the tears that fell were genuine?<br>
Baby, they were mine, they fell for you.<br><br>
You gave me your live at hand,<br>
You helped me to understand.<br>
You took my dreams and made them true,<br>
And that is why I love you.<br><br>
© Stephanie Lenz<br><br>
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