I know what you're thinking
and you go right ahead
what was that? Speak up!
I didn't hear what you said
you know you really oughta
carry a bigger stick
if it's my bones you wanna
then here, use a brick!
No I mean it go on
it's only a name
go ahead crack your whip
I'll carry the blame
it was my road to travel
it was my heart at stake
if I swallowed a crow
would you fly
for my sake?
If for nine months my belly
was snug like a nest
would my pearl be to blame
for the brand on my chest?
Not red, not an A
but an N and an L
mommy what'd he say?
that we're going to hell?
No honey, I'm sorry
you don't understand
here I can show you
just give me your hand
you see yours are little
and mommy's are big
mine are like snow
yours are black like a fig
I like figs mommy
they're tender and sweet
but the snow it looks dirty
when it melts in the street
I'm sorry mommy but I do understand
I'm not going to hell
cuz that's the white man's land
Copyright © 2002 by Shannon Gleeson