
i'm in you shirt today it's not
what you think though it's just
that it fits me in a peculiar way so
i'm watching vanity paint her picture
of me
with cornflowers and copper she
colors me achromatically
i take out my pigtails for you as
you say it's ok
it's ok
i swallow it anyway smells like
a meatball and it's not going away and
so i watch it sticky rolling off my chin
like aunt edna's switch it hits hard you
feel it don't you? am i full yet? am i
plain? now i see what colors me
it isn't everyday i come out to play
so with matches you strike me funny
i forgot what i was going to say but
that's ok you like me anyway even
freud had a fetish and if hunger and
love move the world keep still i'll
let you feed me i can almost taste
the shame
i'm behind the wheel as it follows
me home it catches up with me as
i cross my fingers not wanting to feel
i like empty it's what i know it's something
more than pie a la mode
you taste it don't you? am i sweet?
pinch me will you? am i dreaming? is
this my death drive? i know this road
you led me here i ate your dust now i'm
left with the fork but you forgot to hang
the sign i'm not lost just out of reach but
i'm in your shirt today and it fits me in a
peculiar way
tight around the neck as you pull me up
from you know where after all you drove
me there

Copyright © 2002 by Shannon Gleeson