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An Angel’s Fall From Grace
An angel fell from grace one day
It was so long ago
I found her in a field one day
Where wild poppies grow
Her wings were torn and tattered
For she had tried to fly
Each time that she’d awoken
From a labored, slumbering cry
She lay recumbent in the field
A sadness filled my soul
As my gaze drew towards her eyes
Truth surely could be told
I looked into her lovely face
Her eyes shone heaven’s glow
But she had fallen from it’s grace
A long long time ago
I took and cradled her sweet head
In longing arms of mine
And layed her in a softened bed
So filled with dandelions
I trimmed her tattered wings from her
So she could start to heal
While she lay light as gossamer
As head was bowed, I kneeled
I asked God for a miracle
By chance that He might spare
This angel that I’d fallen for
For she alone I cared
And so I nourished her to health
With soups, and teas, and bread
Till health became her very wealth
She’d nothing more to dread
She smiled at me so lovingly
When she began to stir
Till she discovered that her wings
Wear shorn away from her
She smiled at me a tender smile
But inside she did scorn
For I had cut away her wings
She’d wished I’d not been born
I did so fall in love with her
That I received her hate
For I did hold out for all hope
I prayed it not too late
For though she’d lost her heaven’s place
Still beauty shone serene
It mattered not she’d lost her grace
For she’d become my queen

Copyright A.G. Poetry

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