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The Elder (God's Warrior)
The mantle we thought that you placed on yourself
Has grown sturdily, strongly, and true
Like some beautiful vine that grows up to the heights
It has wrapped all it's wisdom 'round you

And in honor you give of the things of yourself
That are given with motive to serve
And you walk 'long His path and you vary it not
As His light you do strive to observe

For you handle the causes of justice and truth
As you go living day to day
And fight in the light of His glorious might
In all that you do and say

And these are the strengths and the courage of one,
God's warrior who fights the great fight
Who though stumbling gets up and continues along
In the battle and darkest of nights

The elder she wished to be…she now has become
And the scars of the battles she's fought
Are the medals of honor, she wears upon her
And she gives them not even a thought

There is more than just room for a one such as she
As she gives of her own self, each day
And not even these words can do justice it's true
Nor in any that one can e'er say

So Elder, the honor you draw unto you
Is the work of a labor of love
One with kindness, and sufferings borne equally well
One that's filled with God's love from above

Copyright A.G. Poetry

Psalms 91:2 I will say to the LORD, "My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!"

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