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Elusive Angel
What moments can not contain,
What time can not constrain
The passage of time dulls not the pain.

I ache to hold you.

My arms reach out to you.
Have I caught a glimpse, yet never seen?

Sweet scented form that haunts my heart,
Oh gentle hand of tenderness,
Where is your satin touch?

In all the world I’ve searched for you
And fear I’ve passed you on the street.
Sensing, I turned but did not find you.

Lost, lost in the crowd.
Never to be found?
But hope I think -

While all the while, all the while, biting bitterness fills my soul.
Wretched, then flickering, then hoping, then longing,
The flame of desiring fulfillment, never extinguished.

My sweet dove,
Oh how I’ve missed you.

Copyright A.G. Poetry

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