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The Flight of Hawk
Eyes sharp…gaze out towards the golden orb
As it slowly peers out from behind the jagged wind-worn cliffs
Scanning the sunrise to and fro
He lifts and soars to the heights
In an ascent, only to descend…to dive.

Searching for mate
Searching for sustenance
Searching for prey
Searching for hopes and dreams

To climb ever higher… if he but could
Wings heavy with the weight of life
Fearful to soar
He misses the opportunity of mate, prey, and life.

Soar he must for that is the life of a hawk
Dive he must, for it is as life itself to one such as he.
His wings and the wind are one and the same

Eyes cover the vast openness
Land dotted with the growth of hope
And the opportunities of dreams fulfilled
His search is sustained and renewed with each rising of the sun.

The day now begins to draw to a close
Shadows fall up the canvas of the earth
Slowly he circles…
Catching the last thermals of the day
That lift him high above the terrain…his domain

Glimpsing the sunset he slowly descends
To the earth below
To that of his home
Pondering what the future holds
Resting… perched up on high
The future lays waiting and open as a freshly cracked oyster
There for the taking, if he'll but feast.

Copyright A.G. Poetry

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