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Song of the Heart, Longing of the Soul
Where does the wind blow
From whence does it come;
Or the sound of a heart beat
Faintly off in the distance?

It is the sound of my birth,
The longing of my heart
For the people of my soul;
Lost in obscurity, buried in my past.

There is a longing in my heart
That fills my soul to the depths of despair.
For I cannot catch the wind in my heart
Nor cup the sound of the it with my hands,
And yet the futility of it continues.

Where withal does my yearning grow
For that which is not,
For that which can never be?
I am lost, I am silent, I am stilled.

Oh grandfather have you left me?
Grandmother where have you gone?
Oh mother, my heart grows faint within me,
For I am without you to guide me.
I am without connection.
I have lost my continuity, I have lost my anchor,
I am alone.

I know I no longer belong with my people.
Yet - I belong there more than any place in the world.

Copyright A.G. Poetry

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