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The One Who Stalks
Death do you carry my Father away
To a cold seemingly bottomless pit?
Do you really believe you've had your way?
Do you come like a thief to steal his very breath away?
Do you still his heart?

You've won the battle,
But you've not won the war.

You stalk and lay wait.
You connive and you lie.
You wrestle away our happiness.
You consume and devour
And leave only a pathetic shell behind.

How dare you rear your ugly head
And lay waste to God's creation.

It is you He will lay to waste.
He will send you back, as a beaten dog, to your father who spawned you.
You will fear.
You will tremble
You will be layed to waste.
You will snivel and hide like the coward that you are.
But His righteous light will search you out.
You will be devoured with our Father's righteousness
His pure light will reveal you for what you are -- the lowest of the low.

Today I cry, today I despair
But tomorrow, tomorrow will be your day.
And you'll not escape Him.
You will not hide from His wrath.
There will not even be a shell left of you

For He alone will utterly consume you.
And the power you thought you once were?
And the fear we once held for you?
It will vanish,
As will you, the fiend, the grotesque that you are -- without a trace.

Copyright A.G. Poetry

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