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A Train Awaits Thee
Comes the dawn of understanding
As I see me in this world,
Full of love and heart’s compassion
That awaits to be unfurled.

Comes the hurt and then rejection
As I strive to understand
Stuffed down deep into my being
For I am only but a man.

So I do the best I’m able
As I try to understand,
For what exists within my heart and mind
Is not found upon this land.

Gazing out towards the distance
I see glistening… a train
As it works its way towards me
Like the hope of drought’s new rain

Will I rush to its approaching,
As its image grows before?
Will I reach out to its handle?
Will I open up the door?

What will fate say to this traveler
As I once again believe?
Blunt denial to this man?
“Yes it’s you that we must leave.”

“For you’ve used up all your passage”
“And to you we must say no”
“For you’ve thrown away your right to joy”
“And you have no place to go.”

‘Conductor of my fate’, I say,
‘Do you know you have no right?’
‘For I’ve tried to live the best I can’
‘And alone I’ve faced the night.’

‘So you must make room for me this day’
‘For this train I must get on.’
‘So that I may have some spark in me’
‘And some hope to think upon.’

“Do you think that I should let you on this train”
“Just because you think you should?”
“Then all would board upon this train”
“Just because they thought they could.”

‘I will not stand here and argue this’
‘For I know that I must go.’
‘For my heart is full of love for one’
‘And I wanted you to know.’

“Makes no difference to me”, he said
While he moved to close the door.
‘Ah but all the world it makes to me’
As I argued all the more.

“I will let you on, but know this sir”
“For new things you must learn”
“That you must hold to tenderly”
“For this train will not return.”

“Do not think this be the train of youth”
“That returns what you do not give.”
“But a train that goes into the night”
“With all you’ve left to live.”

“Do not think that you can charm your fate”
“Into submissiveness.”
“For it will close upon you then”
“And leave you penniless.”

“So man of heart come board the train”
“If true your heart can be.”
“And live your life to please your love”
“And lose yourself in me.”

Copyright A.G. Poetry

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