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The Truth of Love
True love never dies
Though denied it is as the strong winds
That make the mighty oak sway and creak
To its power and majesty.

Or as the torrent of the swelling river
Overladen with a heavy rain
As it overflows its banks
And covers the already soaked earth.

Who but God can deny it?
For it leads the small to become great
As it fills the heart with wondrous joy
And the soul with its very nourishment.

In making the heart glad, it heals the body
And makes all things to become as new
Making the old to become young
And the young to never grow old.

Better to hold back the wind - if you can
Better to stop the sun from shining
Better to make a meager attempt at the impossible
And to become as a fool --- even to try

For true love will never die.

Copyright A.G. Poetry

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