Praise the Lord Through Poetry
Welcome to my poetry website!! Here you will find a collection of poems I have written to the Lord. In the drop-down menu you will also find links to Bible verses. Just pick whatever mood you are feeling today and read some words of encouragement from God's word. I hope you enjoy this site and find it an inspiration. ****Last updated February 24, 2005****
Psalm 138:1a "I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart"
The Day You Meet the Savior
The day you meet the Savior
His glory like the sun
What will be your answer
When He asks you what you've done?
Will you say, "I'm sorry, Lord.
I didn't do your will
But I was just too busy
My calendar was filled.
I often heard you call my name
In hope I'd turn to you
But work and school took up my time
What was I to do?
I know you had a plan for me
and I failed to obey
But I don't think it would have worked
And my plans seemed ok."
Or will your heart be filled with joy
Because you'll get to say,
"Lord, I gave my life to you
And praised you every day.
Though I often stumbled
You held me with your love
Instead of looking at the world
I looked to things above.
And though I was not perfect
I gave my heart to you
You cleansed me with your precious blood
So I could live anew."
Sands of Time
Sand of time steadily falls
Its course grains
Erasing what was
Preparing for the new
In a matter of months
All has changed
What once seemed so real
Is now a mere mirage
New friendships
New dreams
Give me strength
The Lord leads me on
Though I'll never forget
What used to be
I can now find hope
In what is to come
In silence I hear your voice
You whisper words of truth
Which clear the fog
Of confusion in my mind
And surround me with peace
Tell me again your plan
Reveal your secrets
Show me the truth
I have kept hidden
From myself
Wrap me in your loving arms
And let me feel you
Always near
Tonight I will not worry
No anxious thoughts will flood my mind
I’ll be at peace within your love
Within the stillness of my soul
I will not fret about the past
Or what I can’t control
The Psalmist warns me with his words
Evil’s found where worry dwells
My heart cries out with praise
Sweet songs of hope upon my lips
Such joy like I have never known
Lay in your spirit all along
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