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Happy Holidays

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Wishing You An Old Fashioned Christmas

At Christmastime

There's nothing like Christmas
And woods deep in snow
To make us remember
The dear long ago.

Down life's weary highway,
Years pass single file,
But deep in us all
Lives a bit of the child.

The same breathless wonder
Floods over us when
The gray skies lose snowflakes
That dance in the wind.

Smoke curling from chimneys,
A white windowpane,
And dear thoughts return
And old joys remain.

The tinkle of sleigh bells
Across a still night,
A warm, shadowed hearth
Whose embers burn bright.

A colorful afghan
Thrown over a chair,
Green holly entwined
Down the length of a stair.

The candlelit church
And the golden bells tell
Of chapters each heart
Remembers so well.

Oh, there's nothing like Christmas
And woods deep in snow
To make us remember
The dear long ago.

~~Grace E. Easley~~



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