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Prayers to the Muse - Pagan Poetry Forum

Guidance to Enlightenment

Honour our home with your visit,
Honour yourself,
Honour others,
Those Past,
Those Present,
and those yet to come into existence,
born in the future that is to be.

Honour all that is, in the same way,
for, we are all related.
All living beings,
be it human, animal, plant
or beings from the other realms,
each one is our relation in
the great creation we know as the universe.

Let us see each other again,
as we were meant to be seen,
Brothers and Sisters of the universe.

Then soon, let us all come to realize though,
that true balance can be, as it should be,
when we remember that we are
one single soul in the hearts of many.

Only when we focus on this unity;
in harmony and in balance,
in perfect love and perfect trust,
may we achieve Enlightenment.

Now I ask Great Mother, Great Father,
give us guidance to
lead us on this path
till the day
when this shall come to be.

~Shayton Featherheart~

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