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Prayers to the Muse - Pagan Poetry Forum

I asked

On a night so sad and dark, feeling so alone, I asked.

I asked, our Lord and Lady, for water.
Together they gave to me the renewed awareness of the vast waters in the ocean,
as well as the rivers and streams around me.

I asked to smell a delicate sweet flower.
Together they gave to me an indoor garden,
to hold my spirits high, until the coming months makes it possible for me
to rest under the warm summers sun and smell the precious scent of the wild

I asked of them for the company of a majestic tree.
Together they opened my eyes to see the forests before me.
Sacred forests with not one but many majestic trees,
each one having its own stories and secrets to share with all who take the time
to listen.

I asked to hear the birds of spring.
Now they reply, “Listen, for you can hear the birds of spring even in the voices
and the laughter of loved ones.
Every voice sings a song as delicate, as sweet, as that of a tiny sparrow ”

I ask for healing energy,
given to me with the assistance of the elements and the fey.
Behold, with the steady change of the seasons, I slowly feel rejuvenated;
with the aid of reiki I can now help the healing process of myself and that of

I asked for friends who understand, and love me,
others who would stand with me thru the good times and the bad.

Now I have YOU.

With my heart pounding,
Overcome with emotions, I asked.
”Great Mother, Great Father. How do I repay you for your gifts?”

Their reply:
“This be done out of our love for you,
Give the same love to others as was bestowed upon you.”

And so emerging out from my cloud of misery
I give to all, the love given to me,
So that the circle is, complete.

So Mote It Be.
~ Shayton Featherheart~

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