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Prayers to the Muse - Old Ones by LotusNyte

Old Ones

Look now Old Ones, with your Senses.

The worlds of enchantment, mystery of comprehension.
A new moon takes shape within the sky, blessed night.
Feel the ancient, primal power of the Magick.
Look from within, discover the knowledge of Hecate.

Gather Old Ones, seek wild and restless peace.
Yearn for the might of the power.
The enlightment of truth and perception cleansed.
The time of death and rebirth are at hand.
Take hands as one, share the joys of lust and love.
Gather in the Timeless forests of Pan.

Teach now Old Ones, the way of our Ancestors.
Bind Elements to shape fate, Karmas circle.
Know the truth and make it known.
Dare the conventions and make a path.
Show that life as we know it, is the mastermind of an Illusion.
Change the ways of the new land.
Teach with the ways of Hera.

Invoke now Old Ones the Powers of the Western Quarter.
Of the reaping and sowing of the grain.
The birth, death, and rebirth of the seasons.
Speak with the changes of Demeter.

Invoke now Old Ones the Powers of the Southern Quarter.
Of the creation and destruction of the flames.
The burning of hearts love and the hearth
Speak with the heat of Hestia

Invoke now Old Ones the powers of the Eastern Quarter.
Of the darkness and light of the waters.
The cleansing and purification of the seas.
Speak with the waves of Poseidon.

Invoke now Old Ones the Powers of the Northern Quarter.
Of the gales and gentle winds.
The ever-changing currents of obstacles and achievements.
Speak with the breath of Hermes.

Weave now Old Ones the tales and histories
Of the justice and heroics of our people
The knowledge and wisdom of ages.
Speak with the mind and blood of Zeus.

Go now Old Ones and share your hearts
Blessed Be

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