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Mediums, Psychic Mediums, Channelers, Esp, Intuitive Development


Books by Veteran Psychics - Mediums

My experience of becoming a MEDIUM & CHANNELER So you want to be a trance channel or medium? Does it come over night ? Are 'all' people born mediums? How can I become a medium? Welcome to my world of working with Spirits. I have been a channel and conduit for the SPIRIT WORLD since my birth, but I did not develope it, or even know that I had the ability for many many years later. Before I was in my teens, I had met two women who talked to be about spirit guides and meditation. About communicating with spirits that had passed, those who were not in the physical form that most people could see. I was immediately fascinated by the SPIRIT COMMUNICATION process I had heard of. I wanted to know more about it. I went to my local library and began to find books about seances and trance mediumship. I read books by Ruth Montgomery and Jean Dixon. I read anything and everything that I could get my hands on to learn about the spirit world. I had been raised in almost every kind of church you could name from Baptist to Nazarene, and Penticostal to Mormon, and I also attended a Catholic school for the grades of 1st through the fourth. I had a concept of God and religion yet I felt that there was something more to the heaven and hell concept. I felt that our spirit could come back and communicate after death. I read and read and read. While other girls my age around me were playing with dolls and the boys,I was reading metaphysical and spiritual books. Jean and Arnell tried to teach me meditiation. (Two very special parenting figures in my life for a few years) They said that this would be the way to SEE my guides and get in contact with them. It is very difficult for a ten year old girl to meditate I discovered. I tried and tried and still saw no GUIDES before me with my eyes open or closed. I didn't see anything for that matter. I was only around Jean and Arnell from the age of ten to my 14th birthday, and then I went back home to live in more family drama and church dogma with my Mother and my Father. Back into the churches again. I understood and felt that there was a God but still... something just did not feel right with my heart about what so many of these churches told me. I felt that there was something more that I wasn't being told about God and religion. I l felt that there were Spirits out there somewhere that wanted to contact us and help us. I let many years go by with no luck of getting to know my spirit guides. When I was about nineteen,I met a man who I will just call Boss. He kept telling me that I was a trance medium. I used to laugh at him and say, "Yes right, ... and next week I'm going to be a car mechanic also huh" ? He had patience with me I must say, God Bless Him for his persistance! For many years, he would constantly say to me, "Your a medium my lady" and it bothered me. I would tell him to stop saying that, but he just kept coming at me with those words. "Your a medium my lady"... One day this man said that I would be taking at trip to ARIZONA that would change my life. I laughed again but sure enough, a few years later, off to Sedona Arizona I went. I did not know why I was going there but I just felt the need to go and check out the VORTEXES there. Little did I know that I was in for more than just a vortex experience. I met a man in a bookstore the very first day that I had arrived. I will call him JJ to protect his privacy. He and I struck up a conversation. He was telling me that he had some videos at his house and that my boyfriend and I should come and watch some of them. I had mentioned that I was having dinner at a friends house who worked at a particular cafe there, and that I had plans for the evening. That evening when I arrived at Nancy's house for dinner she informed me that JJ had come to the cafe and said that it was important that he speak with Tina Lee, so Nancy invited him to dinner. That night he did some energy work on me for three hours and explained to my friends show were present, that I was born a natural spiritualist and that it was now time for me to start working with it. That was a day that changed my life with the spirit world. JJ had facilitated and excelerated the ability for me to open up to the spirit world. I waited a few years to really begin to develope the ability to read for people. I started to become very active in doing readings for people in 1995 and have done many hours of readings since by phone. I do not have to go into deep trance anymore to channel or get information. I now, just do it in a conscious manner and stay awake. I am now a practicing psychic and medium reader on a daily basis. I do not go into 'trance' anymore, or at least it has been a few years since I have done so. I am sure that I still can do readings of that style but choose not do go so 'deep' to get the information. I have been known to speak with a english accent while in trance and also an 'irish broke' with my mannerisms and personal charastics changing to those of the person who I would be contacting and channeling. I do not have to SEE someone in person to read for them. I am able to read over the phone while relaying information to clients. You may see my WEBSITE for client testimonials about my ability to channel personal details that I could not possibly know, unless I knew you personally. WEBSITE: You may call my office for an appointment if you would like. Blessings to you and thanks for letting me share this information with you. I hope you enjoyed it. MAIN OFFICE, California. See my homepage for appointment information. May you find yourself in the company of the best of spirits. MC/Visa accepted for Phone Readings Worldwide. VIEW ACTUAL READINGS being done by Tina Lee ONLINE AT: