John Dickson was born July 10, 1916. He was a well known poet who had over 500 poems and four books published in his lifetime. He was born in Chicago and spent most of his young life in Glencoe, Illinois and died peacefully in his home on July 26, 2009 in Evanston, Illinois after struggling with numerous health problems. He had lived in Evanston since 1948. He is the former treasurer of Poets and Patrons, Thorntree Press, and The Poets Club of Chicago. He attended Furman College in Greenville, South Carolina. He was a grain dealer at The Chicago Board of Trade and retired in 1979 after 43 years. He originally wrote short stories but his first poem appeared in Harpers in 1968, and devoted his writing life mostly to poetry afterwards. For many years he was a participant in The New Trier Extension Poetry Lab in Winnetka. He has appeared in countless journals and many anthologies. His work has appeared in Poetry Magazine 17 times. His fiction has appeared in numerous magazines including: The Atlantic Monthly, Denver Qaurterly, Chicago Magazine, Topper, Progressive Woman, and several others.
He has received many awards:
The Best American Short Stories of 1961 and 1969
Posesia Gradara a award from the Italian government in 1971
Friends of Literature Award, 1980
NEA Grant, 1990
Along with awards from numerous magzines including: Poetry, Poet Lore, Triquarterly, and Jeans Journal.
He was the first poet to appear in Chicago's Poetry-on-the buses in 1978.
His four books of poetry are:
Victoria Hotel, (Chicago Review Press), 1979
Waving At Trains, (Thorntree Press), 1986
The Music of Solid Objects, (Thornntree Press), 1997
Lake Michigan Scrolls, (The Puddin'head Press), 2002
One book per decade.