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Amazing Calculations
Author Unknown

Do you think that Moses sat down and figured out the logistics of what God told him to do before he set out from Egypt with the liberated Israelites? If he thought about it even a little bit it shows how much faith He must have had in God to take care of everything. The very same God is at work today in our lives!

Consider that Moses led everyone across the Red Sea in one night. Scripture records that there were about 600,000 men on foot besides women and children. This could mean that there were close to 3-1/2 million people. Now if they went on a narrow path, double file, the line would be 800 miles long and require 35 days and nights to complete the crossing. So, to get it over in one night there had to be a space in the Red Sea about 3 miles wide so that they could walk 5,000 abreast.

Moses led the people of Israel into the desert... Now what was he going to do with them? They had to be fed, and feeding 3-1/2 million people requires a lot of food. According to the U. S. Army's Quartermaster General, Moses would have needed 1500 tons of food a day, filling two freight trains, each a mile long. Besides, you must remember, they were cooking the food (not to mention for keeping warm, and if anyone tells you it doesn't get cold in the desert don't believe them!). Just for cooking this took 4000 tons of firewood and a few more freight trains, each a mile long and this is only for one day!!! And they were for forty YEARS in transit!!! But God miraculously provided manna for His people. Just enough each day for that day. God can supply our needs too.

Let's not forget about water, shall we? If they only had enough to drink and wash a few dishes (no bathing?!), it took 11,000,000 gallons EACH DAY-enough to fill a train of tanker cars 1800 miles long.

Think about this; every time they camped at the end of the day, a camp ground the size of Rhode Island was required, or 750 square miles.

Let's trust in God like Moses. Let's have courage as we face our "impossible" events in life.