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My Dad seemed to me
The size of a mountain
And in him flowed integrity
Spewing forth like a fountain

Though I know that I was young
And his size was because I was small
It doesn’t matter today because
He still seems ten feet tall

My Dad gave to me a love for life
My beliefs of family and God
Honor and respect for authority,
For every step that I plod.

He was a mountain
Full of life and laughter
A man that I respect everyday
As my life passes ever faster

He was convicted in his beliefs
And passed them on to me
He worked hard daily so
He could provide for us three

He didn’t like injustice
He didn’t care for lawlessness
He stood for the caring of others
And shared his happiness

I remember him working every day
He would go to the factory’s door
And in the evenings at home
He worked around the house even more

He tried to shield us from evil
He protected his family best he could
He taught right from wrong
And always tried to do good

I know now since I am a Dad
Of the emotions that he bore
Of wanting to embrace and spoil us
Yet in being strict he gave us even more.

Everyday that passes by
I think of him and mourn
I miss my Dad so much
My heart feels like it’s torn

I miss my Dad’s smile
And his laughter at life
I miss him in the good times
And when there is strife.

I wish I could go back and see him
Just once more a lifetime ago
And wrap my arms around his neck
And tell him how I love him so.

All I can do now is hope
And hold on to and grasp
That in the resurrection to come
I get this chance from the past

Now I have three daughters
All beautiful and perfect to me
I wouldn’t trade them for anything
These wonderful and amazing three

I pray that someday they understand
I am not perfect by far
I just want the best for them
Because each is a shining star

It is my hope, my dream, my prayer
To pass on to each daughter
This same vision I have for them
That was from my Dad, my Father

David P. Thomas
15 November 2004