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For so many people on this earth
The realm of death is mysterious.
According to the Bible though,
It’s a matter we should take serious.

So many have perverted
The words of the One Sent.
And say that when we die,
We burn forever in torment

The Bible says otherwise,
That when we die, we die.
We don’t as a phantom float off
To someplace in the sky.

Nor pass through the crust,
To the center of the earth,
To forever be licked by flames,
To feel misery, anguish and hurt.

Burning torment for all eternity
Satan, the evil one, gave as a lie,
As spoken in the Garden of Eden
He said, "Ye shall surely not die".

Throughout all the Scriptures,
The verses have been and are clear.
If you continue to sin, you shall die.
Separation from God should be your fear.

The Bible says, In death you know not anything,.
No more laughter, no more crying, no more tears,
No more memories, no more happiness,
No more sorrow, no more pain, no more fear.

This is contrary to the modern trend.
Tradition says you will burn forever,
With a fire that melts bones and flesh
And then reforms them over and over.

This is not the way of God,
Nor is this the Bible’s teaching.
This is the tradition of men,
With all their hollow preaching.

Heaven forbid they admit they’re wrong.
They keep marching forward instead.
Teaching others that God is hateful,
Without any mercy and full of dread.

Show people the verses and proof,
Show them the evidence as written,
They will absolutely deny that it exists,
And you will likely get your fingers bitten.

Death is likened unto sleep,
Jesus Himself described it this way,
So did the prophets and the law.
Tradition has changed this today.

Be rid of your pre-conceived notions
Don’t believe me without proof
Take the Bible and look it up yourself
But you must be willing to listen to truth.

Death is absolute and total oblivion.
This, the Bible says is true.
That is, as long as you keep sinning,
And ignore what Jesus did for you

The good news is though, we all have hope.
Believe in the Lord Jesus, this you must do.
Repent, confess and forever live
Then death will have no power over you.

Written by: David P. Thomas
26 August 2003


Scriptures and verses that verify this point concerning death.

Genesis 3:4, Genesis 2:17, Ezekiel 18:4, Ezekiel 18:20, Psalms 22:29, Psalms 33:18,19, Psalms 56:13, Psalms 89:48, Romans 6:23, John 3:16, John 3:36, John 4:14, 1st John 5:12,13, Genesis 2:7, Job 12:9,10, 1 Kings 17:17,21-22, Revelation 16:3, Luke 12:20, Matthew 16:25,26, Mark 8:35-37, Genesis 3:22,23, Genesis 3:19, Job 34:15, John 11:11-14, Matthew 9:24, Mark 5:39, Luke 8:52,53, Job 14:12, Psalms 13:3, James 4:14, Ecclesiastes 9:5, Psalms 146:3, Acts 2:29, John 5:24, John 5:28,29, Ezekiel 28:12-19.

For a more comprehensive study on this subject, please visit the following sites:

What Really Happens When You Die

The Witch of Endor, a Familiar Spirit,
and the State of the Dead.

"God is not the God of the dead, but of the living," ...
Proof of the state of the dead?


A Bible Topic On Death