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16 November 2004

I am absolutely outraged over the utter nonsense that is being allowed to happen in Iraq. Today it was reported that a Marine shot an alleged unarmed "insurgent" while clearing a building. This report further alleges that the Marine violated the Geneva Convention and essentially murdered this individual in cold blood. I further heard a call to have him shipped stateside until they can "figure out" what charges to bring against him "if any".

Unfortunately they have the wrong guy.

The reporter and his cameraman are the ones that need to be shipped stateside and held under lock and key until charges can be brought against them for this vicious attack against the men of our military that are attempting to defend themselves under heavy fire. This reporter needs to be charged with treason, sedition, giving aid to an enemy during wartime and any other charge that can be thought up. But it’s just another example of what we get for allowing these left wing socialistic liberal so-called reporters go into a situation so that they can find anyway that they can to undermine one of the institutions that they hate and abhor, that is, the military. "Embedded Reporters", bah, "Embedded Communists" is more like it.

During World War II our troops fought their way tooth and nail and inch by inch, onto the islands of the South Pacific in an effort to liberate them from Japanese domination. They would come across wounded enemy soldiers and, Americans being Americans, would stoop to help them and in return get shot in the face or heart or have a grenade go off killing a medic. Ditto for Korea and ditto for Vietnam. This is what our military has had to deal with and to train for to keep our fighting men from being killed for offering the smallest of humane treatment to the enemy. They have learned historically that you don’t help any enemy until you know that person and the situation is completely under your control.

Look at what these young Americans are up against. They are fighting against a brutal and ruthless enemy that shoots of old women in the head. Old women for goodness sakes! They chop the heads off of people trying to rebuild their country.  They torture, shoot and blow up little children that have done nothing more against them than to simply breathe the same air. They force pregnant women to strap on bombs and walk into a crowd so they can detonate it by remote control and occasionally when they can’t find a pregnant woman, they’ll strap the bomb on themselves.

Torture room after torture room has been uncovered in use, not only for the "infidels", but for their own people as well. Genocide is not a bad word to these fanatics. The Nazi’s would have been proud of how well they operate. This from the, thus termed, "peaceful and tolerant religion of the world".

Our soldiers have been in firefight after firefight to root out this nest of "insurgents" in the Iraqi city of Fallugah and have had to face death more than once. Just hours before this so-called "violation of the Geneva Convention", a bomb exploded killing several Marines in the same area. Guess where this bomb was located. It was rigged on the body of a dead terrorist that was found after a shoot out. Considering the ruthless and barbaric methods used by these people, the absolute hate they have for us, and their blood-thirsty want to kill us no matter what, is it any wonder that our soldiers might be inclined to shoot first and ask questions later?

Our laws are that deference must be given to those on the scene at the time of the incident but the left wing communistic media of this country has already tried this soldier and found him guilty of a war crime. How soon will it be before these self-righteous reporters take it upon themselves to execute the sentence as well.

We can "what if" situations to death and it wouldn’t change anything but could you imagine for a moment what would have happened if the Marine had hesitated, the enemy pulled a weapon, and shot several people. Could you imagine if the reporter and/or cameraman had been wounded or killed. There would be a cry to high heaven from the same media that our military is not being properly trained to respond to these situations.

For too many years now these liberals, that pretend to report the "news", have attacked everything American. I for one am sick to death of the jeers and sneers of the Dan Rathers, Tom Brokaws, ABCs, CBSs, NBCs, CNNs and all the other anti-American communistic opinionated so-called news organizations getting away with their propaganda.

I worked in the media and I know how the media works. These people go into journalism with the intention to "make a difference in the world". Well, they’re in the wrong line of business. News reporting is about reporting facts, not opinions, and certainly not slanting stories to fit their twisted version of how they think things ought to be. If they want to "make a difference" then they need to do what Margaret Hassan did. She volunteered for years in Iraq to feed the hungry and give aid to the suffering. You should remember her because she was the woman that was shot in the head by the fanatical lunatics this past week. If they want to "make a difference" then help the poor and suffering and quit looking for every angle to cause more suffering and hatred.

These liberal so-called reporters will applaud anyone that puts a cross in a jar of urine or covers themselves with their own feces and call it art and then insist it be federally funded. They applaud the marriage of homosexuals as tolerance. They applaud every abortion that takes place as another step for women’s rights. They applaud anything religious (rather that is, Christian) being banned from any type of public display as upholding the rights of ALL Americans. They applaud nudity, sexuality, vulgarity and any act of deviancy displayed on TV, in the movies or in music and call it enlightening. They will push report after report for more control in people’s lives under the guise of "compassion" since, in their eyes, the average citizen is too stupid to know what is best for them.

Then they try to cover their actions by yelling "freedom of speech, freedom of speech" and at the same time spit on the 2nd Amendment. They act in total dismay at anyone that would dare have an alternate view. If they had it their way, they would lock up everyone in an insane asylum that believes in God, the sanctity of the family, and core American values. Thomas Jefferson would absolutely roll over in his grave if he could see the degeneracy of what is going on today.

Americans are sick and tired of having these liberal ideals forced down their throats. Americans want to live in America because it is America and because of what it stands for, not because they want to change it into some depraved society.

Ever since the 1960’s and Vietnam, the media has attacked every core value that Americans hold dear to their hearts. They have attacked marriage, the sanctity of life, belief in God and on and on and on. The only neck that they haven’t been able to get their bloody hands around to fully strangle is the military and they’re using every opportunity that they can during this conflict to do just that.

This Marine did nothing more than what countless other American soldiers before him have done and that is protect himself and the lives of his fellow soldiers from an unknown situation in the way that he was trained to do. This is a war against fanatics bent on our total annihilation not some routine traffic stop. The media has tried, and so far been rather successful, in portraying the military as a bunch of thugs and murderers. When something happens that the reporters don’t agree with, they report it and ring their hands and worry that it will enrage the Islamic world. WAH! Just who is doing the enraging here? The one event or the "report" that keeps being shown over and over by these self-appointed ministers of morality.

Do these people show the beheading and executions committed by the fanatical Islamo Fascists? Of course not! Will they report these cold-blooded executions with the same frequency that they have shown this soldier doing his job? Of course not! And why? Because again, their afraid that they will enrage the Islamic world. If this isn’t giving deference and aid to an enemy of the United States during wartime then we have totally lost the definition of it.

If we are really committed to winning the war on terrorism, then we need to kick their "embedded" butts out of the war zone and send them back to the people’s republic of their studios, so that the real heroes of this country can do their jobs without having to worry about these reporters/referees using their instant replay on them and second guessing their every move.