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The Purpose of LIfe

On a dark night years ago
I looked up scanning the universe
"What is my purpose in life?"
I posed with a deepening thirst

This question has been asked
By both young and old
Men, women, children
The fearful and the bold.

My question followed me
Through seasons and years
Through laughter and joy
Hardship, failure and tears

Then one day it came
Like a breeze on a warm day
God spoke and said to me
In His own gentle way

This is your purpose in life
As it is and has been for all mankind
You, little one, are to love Me
And this love is simple for you to find

I, your Creator, will give it to you
All you must do is ask
I will pour out love abundantly
And your heart will be My flask

"What is the greatest of the commandments?"
A young lawyer asked my Son one day
And ears bent from every direction
To catch what He would say

"Hear O Israel the Lord your God"
He said these words in pure light
"You shall love the Lord with all
Your mind and soul and might"

I stood in stunned amazement
At what I had just heard
It couldn’t be that simple
There had to be more to the words

He spoke again in unending gentleness
And said "No my precious little one"
Simply ask for a heart to love Me
There is no more to be done

I will create in you a new heart
One made to love Me
And everything else will follow
As it was and is and will be

You cannot love Me by yourself
You can only do it through My strength
For I, the Lord your God
Am love unending in length

The young lawyer’s words
Asked "what is priority?"
And the answer is so simple
That my heart burned in me

I felt shame at all the years
In aimless searching I had lost
When the purpose of life
Is to love my God at all cost

He spoke once more and said
Do not feel shame because
You needed your experiences
To accept Me through all your flaws

But I, your Lord, will work on you
You will not be made perfect overnight
When you ask I will give you love
In strength, mind and might

I will show you how to love me
This you will carry and use in life
To love Me, your Creator,
Your Father, Your Guiding Light

The whole law and the prophets
Hinge on this one command
Love me more than anything else
And beside you I will always stand.

Ask no more this question
You know now this thing
Because I have answered
What so many searched for in vain

Written by: David P. Thomas
29 May 2002