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My aunt was just diagnosed with MS. If you or someone you love has MS here are a couple sites:

Read a testimony about living with MS: HERE.

This ministry is one of the best and most giving out there. See what they are up to or just say a prayer!

Wanting to adopt? How about a child from Romania?

These children are so beautiful. I saw a documentry on them last year that I never forgot. Many of these children have been neglected and are suffering severly from it. All they need is a family and the Lord. If you are not interested in adoption, won't you pray for them? God bless:

"If you never get married, is God enough?" The trick is to be able to always answer yes to that question. Remember, He made us and expects us to "feel", just love Him "most" and when you need a friend go here:

I was just diagnosed with Dysthymic Depression which is a consistant, long-term state of depression unlike major depression where you have extream highs and lows. If you want to get into my head a bit please visit My Gazebo.

Oh how Jesus loves His little girls!

More to come!
