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† Grace & Glory †
Glory Notes

Wise men still seek Him

"Mine be the reverent, listening love
That waits all day on Thee.
With the service of a watchful heart
Which no one else can see."

"So admirably has God interwoven His glory and our happiness,
that while our happiness constitutes His glory, His glory constitutes our happiness."

"In solitude, on wings of prayer
My sould ascends before the throne:
My only hope of help is where
My heart the Father meets alone."
I sought the Lord, and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears. ~ Ps 34:4

"Storms make a strong tree~
Sufferings make a strong saint."
Be of good cheer, it is I: be not afraid. ~ Mark 6:50

Yielding to Thy wise hand
Safe in Thy will-
Not asking why or how
Let me be still."
Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you. ~ James 4:8

"Come to the everlasting spring and drink freely. It never runds dry!"
Lord I believe; help Thou mine unbelief. ~ Mark 9:24

"A praying man can never be a useless man."
Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He sheall strengthen thine Heart; wait, I say, on the Lord. ~ Ps 27:14

"This moment, Lord, Thy will I choose.
Nor let me live except for Thee:
My life, my all, I'll glady lose
To know Thy perfect victory."
It is a good thing that the heart be established with grace. ~Heb 13:9

"Make me patient, kind and gentle
Day by day
Teach me how to live more nearly
As I pray."
Ye have need of patience, that after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.

"Oftimes the path is veiled to sight
No guiding gleams to cheer;
yet they who walk by faith alone,
Are taught that God is near."
Nevertheless, I am continually with Thee; Thou has holden me by my right hand ~ Ps 73:23

"What our faith says today will settle the question of what we are to be tomarrow."
We walk by faith, not by sight. ~ 2 Cor. 5:7

"Whatso'er our lot may be,
Calmly in this thought we'll rest,-
Could we see as Thou dost see,
We should choose it as the best."
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. ~ Matt. 11:28



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