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† Grace & Glory †


My name is Cynthia Joy. I live near Seattle, WA where It rains ALL the time!!

Some of my favorite things about myself are:

Heart for others
Sense of humor
Loyal & accepting
Sweet (mostly) lol
Laid back but lively

Hobbies and Loves:

I like to make people think
singing since before I could talk
Amature Fashion designer since 1990
Listening to music
Writing lyrics and poetry
Working on Grace & Glory
Hanging out with good friends
Doing crafts and such

~ Christian ~

Male: Mark Lowry
Female: Crystal lewis
Ray Boltz
Rich Mullins
CeeCee Winans
Margaret Becker
Yolanda Adams
Jars of Clay
The W's
Earth Suit
News Boys
DC Talk
Kirk Franklin
~ Secular ~

Male: Paverotti
Female: Celine Dion!!
Band: Roxette
Phil Collins
Janet Jackson
Early Madonna
Fleetwood Mac
Most 80's!
Some earlier


I am blessed to have a lineage of Christian faith. My parents were both raised in a Baptist home. They met at a bible college in choir and after a 10 month split got married. My two older sisters and myself were taken to church weekly well into my childhood.

Over weekly school breaks, summer vacation's and several other occasions I visited my mother's parents. Every Sunday my grandma went to church with me in tow. She bought me the first bible I had that I ever cared about. Several times before bed she would tell me a passage to read (or I would choose) and I would read the word to her.

On July 12th, 1986, after reading a passage about salvation, she asked "Have you ever done that?" I said, "What, asked Jesus into my heart?" "Yeah, have you ever done that?" "I think I probably have, I mean I don't remember, but with all the church I went to when I was little I probably did, but I don't know." So she asked me if I wanted to and I said yes. She said "Let's go," but then asked me if I knew what it meant. I remember going through the gospel and then adding, "He took our place for us on the cross."

We went into her room and kneeled by her bed side. I didn't know what to say, but she said I would know and to start talking. On and on I talked, making sure to include the right steps to accept Him. When I looked at her she was crying, but I didn't understand why rather thought it was odd. Then she took me to tell my grandpa and I thought that was even more odd. I hadn't heard the part about confessing to someone, yet.

That was just before Jr. high school. I didn't go to church on my own and I don't remember if I read the bible during that time. I was verbally abused by my peers all of my educational career. With no friends and being extremely bitter, it was only worse in high school. In 12th grade the Lord brought a sweet friend into my life (Carol Foster) who asked me if I would like to go with her to church. I said yes without thinking much of it. She was involved with the youth program and invited me to attend the events and even planning meetings with her. The people were very nice and the meetings were always a blast. I'm assuming that she was praying for me and knew that she was impacting my life. If she is reading this please email me!! Lot's to catch up on!! =)

After highschool I moved and did not continue to attend a church. One day, a few months later, I was searching the channels on my little black and white tv set and ran across TBN. Being hungry for the Lord I watched...and watched...and watched...and watched..etc. I learned a lot from them and was encouraged and found a new way of living. Not much later I ran across our local Christian radio station, KCMS, while searching the channels. Slowly I listened to less and less secular radio and watched less and less secular TV and more and more of my new Christian radio and TV.

One day around November 7th (possibly in late October) a brother was a guest on TBN and was asked to lead people watching in a prayer of salvation. He talked about being saved and not walking the walk and about "rededicating" ourselves to it. Looking at the camera and pointing he said, "If you need Jesus say this prayer...!" I remember scoffing, "I need Jesus." So I said the prayer and rededicated myself to the Lord.

Since I don't remember the exact day I celebrate it on November 7th every year. =) I have three birthdays: born November 27, re-born July 12th and rededicated November 7th. =)

~ What I Have Learned About Faith ~

It's about getting to know Jesus and learning to love Him more. As we grow in His love and in love for Him we desire to become who He made us to be. He remembers that we are dust, will never leave us and does not condemn us. It is His grace that helps us stand, His love that spurs us on and His sacrifice that we share for His glory.


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Animations provided by Angelfires Animation Factory