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† Grace & Glory †

Wise men still seek Him


Welcome to my awards page.

I have been looking forward to the chance to bless other sites with an award. These awards might morf into something more beautiful at any given time, but you will recieve the version that is active at the time you apply.
God bless you and the site that you are here to nominate.
Cynthia Joy


Jesus Alive Online Award
For sites that proclaim the Majesty of the Lord online.

Amazing Grace Award:
For sites that glorify the Lord's Grace, encourage, strengthen and teach the Church to draw near to Him.


God Bless America Award:
For sites that are patriotic, encourage American unity and honor Gods blessings on our country.


Young N' Safe Award
For sites that I would allow my children to surf through
(If I had any, lol)


Surf Easy Award:
For sites that are user friendly, contain NO broken links (sorry) and that do not make you always return to a home page.


Break Through Award:
This award can NOT be applied for.
I will give this award out to very few sites that I feel are creativly embarking on new designs, ideas and the like.


How to apply for awards:

Click on this rotating email thingee and send me:
~ The site title
~ The correct URL for the web site
~ The awards you are applying for
~ Put "award application" or "award nomination" in the subject title or I might miss it.


~ HOME ~

~ Awards Home ~
Awards Home

~ Web Rings ~
Web Rings



Please sign my guest book. Feel free to ignore any questions that don't apply to your or which you would rather not answer. Thank you, God bless. =)

sign my guestbook =)


All Awards are the property of † Grace & Glory †
and may not be given or placed on a web site
without permission from the web master.

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