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April 2, 2007

I am finally updating my web site. Has it been 4 years, I thought it was over 5. Take a moment to think about who you are TO and IN Christ. Write down your thoughts and read them every day this week. God bless you.

September 26, 2003:

Wow, sorry for not updating!! I promise I will come back and post again this weekend! I will say that a TON has happened scine last year. Not all good things, but God is still good. I got to meet Richard Simmons, for one. He is very sweet, and boy he TOLD me! lol. I also joined this Christian Singles Dating Site where I spend some time. God bless, more to come!!


One of the people I admire the most in the world is Richard Simmons. He is sincerely loving and smart. Here is a small portion of his daily message found on his web site from today:

"So today we looked back at how you`ve done so far in 2002, but now we must look ahead and plan the rest of the year and follow through! I must tell you something. I love you, and I`m so proud you keep trying, hoping, and dreaming. Promise you`ll never stop dreaming!"

It's the last line that got my attention. He sent me an aughtographed picture of him in December of 1999 and wrote "Please, please take care of you!" You know if the world or just a few people around us would be that affirming and positive it would make life a lot smoother. While you need to be positive in spite of others, it's imperitive to be around at least a few positive, accepting, humble people.

I find it easier to do things for others than it is to do things for myself, like even just reading the bible. People are important to me, that is why I am here, to serve the Lord in His main business of PEOPLE. As you go through this thanksgiving and Christmas buying things for your loved ones, give them a better gift then they may ever ask for. Give them the gift of affirmation, acceptance, patience and empathy. You wont even have to stand in a line to get the "return exchange". =} God bless you and your family as in Psalm 20.

Oh yeah, I'll be 28 on the 27th. yay. lol. I just really have to protest to this "sharring my b'day with a dead turkey every stinkin' year" thing. I mean he's dead ..... where's my lasagna??! rofl.

Also one thing I didn't mention on here is that my grandpa passed away on 10/6/02. He was 92 and lived a great life building houses all over the place and bringing joy and love to his family and friends. I look forward to seeing him again one day. He joined his wife who was taken home on 1/26/96.


Please pray for me, I am letting go of a lot of pain right now. Thank you. ((((((((((((hugs 4 you)))))))))))) God bless you!

Thank you Lord for joy and suffering. Thank you for being faithful, just and true. Bless all that come here and keep us close beneath Your wings. We love you. Amen.


We have to take some level of control, but the trick is learning where the balance is between our control and Gods. I heard this saying once, "You do the possible, let God do the impossible!" I think that is much more accurate. If you've done what you can and you have peace that there is nothing more you can do, that is when to let go and let God BUT keep praying and keep your eyes peeled. When you ask Him for something and He does it, it wont affect you profoundly unless you notice it happened and then accept it and thank Him.

He works behind the scenes all the time so we know that He is there, especially since He promised. He will not forsake Himself (again) He will never leave us nor forsake us. So while it is basically stinky to be mortal, we have this promise in Him, that He has treasures stored up for us and that all things work out to good when we seek Him and admit how we are feeling. He knows anyway.

It's OK to be upset with Him or to feel hurt, He expects us to have feelings. He dealt with peoples feelings twords Him in the old testament and in the new several times. There's a verse that says that His arm is not to short to save us. If we were perfect we wouldn't need Him and how fun for Him would that be? Can you imagine making the world and then just sitting back and watching it run?

I'm preaching to myself here, this is something I have been pondering and praying about.


You know, I never thought about it before, but I had YEARS to consider what Christians believe; decades. So many people just plain don't get that much time to think about it, especially in a safe environment. However, having been raised in church (mostly) there was ample time for me to realize what it meant, and time to hide, and all without any newage or satanic distractions.

Yet I know, it's not something I was talked into. I understood the gospel fully at a young age and asked the Lord into my heart at 11 without understanding what the life was like. I didn't walk (practice) the faith, until I realized what that meant, and that the God I came to know over the span of 19 years was alive and interested in me intimately. I looked at Him, and I looked at my life......and I realized that not only did He know me, but that I knew Him in some way and that He was around all along.

So one day I said "I need Jesus" and rededicated my life to him.


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