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A Simple Act of Faith

Love is always a simple act of faith,
It is easy to share, but so hard to give away,
For many folks are uncomfortable when
Presented with this gift,
Some do not know how to handle the treasure of this love,
Some are caught up in the greed of silver and gold,
The misperceived notion that horns blow and fireworks Explode.

When love is the gentle touch, and the simple act of faith,
Some are not sure just how to handle love, or just simple
Do not recognize it when they come face to face with love.
God spoke volumes about the treasure of love,
For didn't he send his son to teach us the very value of love?
It is not greed, nor a facade that puts upon airs to the world,
But a simple act of faith, that comes from within the hearts.

Love is the mystery that man seems to seek, the Meaning
Understanding that is behind the very core of life,
For without love life is meaningless, and
Without understanding, it is worthless
Just like silver and gold.
Love is not meant to be hoarded and hid,
But to be given out from the heart to share with each other.

Donna Layne Roberts

March 1, 1996

Copyright 1996

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